Boudoir session at a Louisiana plantation.... and what a CRAZY day!!!
Our crazy day started when we began to prepare for our Southern Belle Boudoir session at a gorgeous Louisiana Plantation home with Tabia. I'm not typically one to believe in superstition or anything of the sort, but I swear to you this session must have been written in the stars! It started off with a sick hairstylist (poor thing, tis the season!). We're fortunate that we have an absolutely solid and incredible team of artist so we immediately called one of our favorite hair artists who lives in New Orleans. Biba, being the sensational person that she is, sleepily agreed to come out to White Castle to style hair for Tabia's boudoir session. Driving to the plantation from New Orleans takes an hour and a half, so that would be a total of 3 hours JUST in driving for her! She's a saint! SO everything was in order and we were off to the studio to pick up our lighting gear.
As we were leaving the studio and heading to the plantation, we got a call from Tabia. She is currently living in Afghanistan and borrowed a friend's car for the session when she came back to the states. Well, the muffler of the car fell off!! She called us to let us know. Rescheduling at this point would be quite an expense, the suite was already booked and paid for, the makeup artist was on her way and the hairstylist was as well. So we quickly called Biba to see if she was still in the Big Easy... LUCK! So she found Tabia and picked her up on her way to the plantation. Luckily the two of them hit it off so well you would swear they were soul mates since birth! So for the hour and a half drive they enjoyed each others company.
Tina, our WONDERFUL makeup artist and owner of Verde Beauty Studio, did a stunning dramatic look on Tabia, and Biba did an amazing half up style (that later came down and got wild and crazy!). During the session Max and I both connected with Tabia incredibly well. We talked about horror movies, life in Afghanistan, and the craziest concepts we could come up with to do together in the future. She admitted to being slightly self conscious in the beginning, but about 5 to 10 minutes into the shoot all that nonsense went right out the window! Max and I got some of the best images that we have shot in 2011!!! With 2011 ending in 3 days, this session could not have been any more complete. We topped it off with a fine dining experience at The Mansion Restaurant. It's just after midnight and I'm sitting in bed with my PJ's on and my laptop warming my legs. I seriously live for days like these. Not only do I get to have the time of my life running around in a luxurious plantation home with fabulous people, but I also get to make women look and feel amazing. I am forever thankful to my clients for the amount of trust they give to us, and for their appreciation of what we do. It's our clients that make our work awesome, and for that I love each and every one of them with all of my heart.
We still have two more sessions for 2011, I can't imagine it can get any better that this but I know it will be. Each and every session always holds something new and special for us. I can't wait to see what 2012 has in store! With all the new things we're rolling out it is truly going to be AWESOME to say the least!!!
Thank YOU for reading and keeping up with us! <3
Jen & Max