Boudoir for the Mature Woman
Many people believe they're "too old" for boudoir photography if they're over 30. To that, I say bullshit!!! Sensuality has no age limit, neither does boudoir photography. As women, we grow into our sensuality as we age. Like a fine wine, we get better the older we get. We learn our bodies and what makes us feel good, we connect with ourselves in ways that we could only dream of in our 20's. It's such an honor when Max and I are given the opportunity to capture that sensuality in a boudoir session for a finely aged client. Meet Karen. She's 53 and a mother of two. She did this session for herself first and foremost, having gorgeous photos to gift to her husband was just a bonus. Do you think her photos are beautiful? Tell her in the comments! It feels good to get encouragement when we do something that makes us nervous! It takes a lot of courage for our clients to share their photos with the world, make it worth it for her!
"My biggest fear was that my photos would look horrible. I actually started to feel queasy on the way to the shoot! I thought I would not like any of them. I thought that every extra pound or dimple would show and I would be disappointed. It was just the opposite! I teared up during the viewing. They worked their magic and I had a hard time wittling my list down. And I hate to take photos! Crazy huh?!"
"Taking the photos themselves was amazing. Jen & Max get so excited and enjoy what they do so much you can't help but feel comfortable and relaxed. Even so, I did state towards the end that I still couldn't believe I was doing this. I never feel special, just average. Well today I felt incredibly special. They hid my flaws and the results are unbelievable. At my age, they made me feel fabulous and desirable. I had a great time and they did too so it was a fun day!"
"I would say You Have To Do It!!! I totally agree that every woman should do this once in their lifetime for themselves. If their significant other benefits from the results, well that's a bonus. I can't wait to receive my photos. My husband is in for a Big Surprise!!"
"It's scary and fun and liberating all at the same time. I have wanted to do this forever but never felt it was the right time or that I looked good enough. I finally decided that I am me and this is how I look, so it's now or never. You need to check this out and see how amazing it makes you feel. I promise you wil not regret it. I know I never will! Make your appointment today. What are you waiting for?!"
Did this post give you the courage to book your own session? Click the box below to get in touch and make it happen! Make sure to leave a comment letting Karen know how amazing she looks!
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